Numerous adhesive contaminants like stickies are encountered in waste papers every day, and interest in its residue has risen substantially because of environmental concerns.

As per the reports, it is observed that the waste is increasing at a high rate. For example, if Europe had 29 million tons of recovered paper for recycling in 1985, then in the year 1990, it is presumed to raise by 40 million tons. Hence, the usage of stickies must be controlled.

Classification and properties of stickies

Packages of waste paper comprise of unnecessary materials like sand, nails, inks, glass, EVR, SBR, and other such things. The significant troublesome in wastepaper are stickies, which are used as paper adhesives.

The significant components included in ink are-

  • Pigment
  • Vehicle
  • Binder
  • Modifier

Usually, the binders that are used in ink are rosin and hydrocarbon esters.

On the other hand, coating formulation consists of multiple ingredients that can be categorized as binders, pigments, and additives.  In coating formulation, the various adhesives that are used are soya protein, starch, and end polyvinyl acetate.

You need to know that both ink and coating formulations comprise of binders, which is also a reason for trouble in the stickies issue.

About Stickies

In previous times, conventional methods were used for recycling old paper products. Chemical additives were added to eliminate or make succinct troublesome organic contaminants called stickies.

Stickies can be classified into below categories-

  • Hot melts
  • Lattices
  • Pressure-sensitive adhesives
  • Wax

There are various other things used to make stickies such are adhesives, glues, coatings, deinking chemicals, ink residues, wood resins, coating binders, rosin, pitch, and unpulped wet strength resins that are resent with the fiber so that it can be recycled.

However, numerous stickies control chemicals suppliers also help to prevent and control stickies.

Control of Stickies

There are typically five ways to fray stickies. Let’s understand about them in detail so that they can be controlled and recycled-

  1. Furnish Selection- The most straightforward way to get rid of stickies is by restricting its entry into the mill. There must be a set criterion for accepting the end of unacceptable scrap paper. Then it should be assured that this criterion is communicated well to wastepaper dealers so that they can maintain the quality of the paper.
  • Improved Pulping and Deflaking- After the wastepaper has been accepted, thereafter, it goes to pulper where it is fiberized without much disintegration of contaminants. There are various types of pulpers, like drum pulper, steam explosion pulping, etc. They release a lot of pressure due to which the material explodes and defibers.
  • Screening and Cleaning- For removing the contaminants, coarse screens along with fine screens are used, based on their size. It is substantial for you to know that as the slot size lessens, contaminant level rises, but it also makes fiber loss. Once the screening is completed, then the cleaners are used to separate contaminants as per their density variations. 
  • Dispersion- The purpose of this move is to break up contaminants end inks further so that they become undetectable in the last step. The few things to take care of in this process are consistency, temperature, and pressure. There are various ways of doing it, such as breaking up waxes, deinking waste paper furnishes, non-contact toner, etc.
  • Additives- Now, the final step to fight with stickies is using chemical additives. There are a plethora of additives available in the market as per the physical and chemical nature, such as talc, synthetic fibers, solvents & dispersants, zirconium compounds, and many more. Using these can ease to stop the buildup of stickies.

Bottom Line

Stickies are one of the most significant issues encountered in recycling, but using stickies control chemicals can help in controlling and preventing them. Excellent communication between the representatives of paper mills can help immensely in the advancement of recycling technology.